
Before submitting the manuscript, the author should have his/her papers thoroughly proofread for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper.

2. Each manuscript would be reviewed by the editor for general sustainability and if judged suitable, shall be processed  for blind review. Based on the recommendations of the reviewer, the editors  would decide the volume and place of the reviewed  paper in the journal.

3. The manuscript must be single spaced with 1 inch  (2.5 cm) margins on all four sides in A4 (21.0 X 29.7 cm) format. The entire paper must be in calibri font in 11 points  having 1.15 line spacing  with the exception of the main title, which must be in 14 points  and bold. The  paper should begin  with title followed by the "abstract" (calibri 10 points font) each of which must be centered.

4. There should be  six key words  at the end of the abstract. The abstract  should highlight  the problem  which the researcher  undertakes  to analyse  and discuss in his paper.  The paper should start  with an introduction  that would discuss background of the problem. The sub headings should be numbered in capital Roman numbers  and sub-sub- headings should be numbered in small Roman numbers clearly indicating  that it is sub part of the sub-heading. The references should be in footnotes. At the end of the paper should be well drawn conclusion based  on the discussion in the paper.